entering from above

Started by g4x4xgeoff, July 19, 2011, 10:31:05 AM

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Hey guys,

I haven't posted on here in a very long time, I actually forgot about the website (I"M SORRY!!!!) until my friend mentioned bunkers near his home on Prudence.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know I'm back, and bring forth some new expertise for you.

After working on a job that required me to rappel into a location..can't get too specific... I've realized I can be of great assistance to you guys for getting into places where roof access/tunnels are the best option to scope out and find a better entrance/if its worthwhile.

Let me know how I can help!

very cool!! and thank u for the offer. :)

i also have rappelling gear, and rope (though prob not as much) and have used it once. it can b very useful when ui need to get down in to a building