Metro State Hospital

Started by Photohunter, July 15, 2004, 07:46:12 PM

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If anyone explores or plans to explore Met State in Waltham be aware of increased security. Along with normal security guards making rounds in trucks there are plain cloths in the woods from the bird sanctuary approach. On a recent trip I passed a very strange person in the woods who suspiciously volunteered that he was waiting for his dog. At that point I thought I might get ass raped but I didn't suspect that he was security. Sure enough,  as soon as  I came onto state property (in a location that not even the military could have predicted) Nailed!
Fortunately I was just turned away. (If this guy actually did his job and identified me he would realize I am a habitual offender.) F**k em' that's what he gets for being lazy.
Anyway, use caution.
Abandoned locations can hide but they can't run