Manhattan Project Site

Started by skully, July 15, 2009, 09:34:26 AM

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"Slouching towards Bethlehem ...

Birth of the Nuclear Genie

One cannot see the nuclear-explosives production facilities built during the Manhattan Project without experiencing a sense of awe at what was accomplished.  The scientific, engineering, managerial, labor, and logistical challenges that were met and overcome are separately impressive but, taken together, simply astonishing.  It is all the more incredible that this was done in the context of a desperate and bitter war that had already strained the nation's manpower and resources as never before.   Yet appreciation of the monumental achievements of the Manhattan Project cannot be considered without a pang of regret at what it unleashed into the world.  It is an enduring paradox and essential human tragedy that so much selfless devotion to cause, so much creative intellectual energy, and so many good intentions gave birth to such a monstrous reality.  It is a reality that would threaten the survival of the very civilization that made it possible.  Although the end of the Cold War significantly lessened that threat, humankind may never again be free of its shadow."
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badass! now tell us more on how you got in found this place etc

I wish CC.  This is just something I found online and began to drool after looking at these photos...   I wish I could visit there...
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ah damn, your right that place is deffinitly a spot that caught my attention as soon as i started scrolling down!

That place looks amazing. Think of the stories you could tell your friends and even your grandchildren.

I cant imagine the amount of trouble you would get in if you were caught though. :(