Insanebunkers Forum

Open Discussion => The Sewer => Topic started by: skully on August 26, 2006, 04:04:58 PM

Title: Damn media...
Post by: skully on August 26, 2006, 04:04:58 PM
This is a great video exposing media fraud that increases sympathy for hezbollshit. Very informative
Title: Re: Damn media...
Post by: DNA81 on August 28, 2006, 09:19:51 AM
Yea that is crazy but it doesn't surprise me. The media is constantly fabricating whether it be pics or stories. Sometimes exagerating, that sort of stuff. I saw alot of it first hand in Iraq.
Title: Re: Damn media...
Post by: military nut on August 29, 2006, 07:39:22 AM
you have to love sensationalism fraud, but i would expect nothing less from the liberal media.
Title: Re: Damn media...
Post by: Prometheus on August 29, 2006, 05:12:37 PM
I don't know if there is a schew in there, one of the pictures is of a "downed Israeli plane", how does that evoke sympathy for Hezbollah? I think its just some overly advantageous photographers. I think its less about the schew than it is about the dollars.
Title: Re: Damn media...
Post by: elpresidente on August 29, 2006, 05:31:15 PM
I don't think this response is going to win me many friends, but in good conscience, I cannot let the "liberal media" argument stand.  If the media is liberal, why the disproportionate reporting of Israeli casualties when the Lebanese casualties are significantly higher and mostly civilian.  If the media is so liberal, it would stand to reason that it would be showing the same sort of atrocities that were shown during Vietnam, but for some reason in Mr. Bush's own little Vietnow, there is no display of the human side of the conflict.  Where are the grisly pictures of Iraqi civilians being cut down in the fire between the coalition of the willing (to power) and the insurgents?  Why are there no substantial reports of US casualties or in-depth stories about US losses?  If the media is liberal, and the liberal agenda is to end the war and garner support for so-called terrorists, then why is it constantly being shot at by the Israelis?  Why are UN observation posts being destroyed by the Israeli military, and somehow being grossly underreported in the US media?  Of most significant note, why is it that when an American court struck down the NSA wiretap program that several american media outlets referred to it as a denial of a tool in the fight against terrorism rather than a decision on the constitutionality of an action taken by the administration.  The administration has argued consistently that it requires these tools in the "war on terror," and yet the European press reports that this system was up and running and that they were listening in 7 months before the WTC attacks.  Yet the American media is silent on this: why?  Next, Israel is unjustly invading a sovereign nation that did not attack it, and perhaps they have a precedent set by the other imperialist power presently at war with a country that did not attack it, but the European press has reported that their "klidnapped" soldier was actually a commando who was captured inside of Lebanon.  Nothing in the US meedia.  Finally, Israel has repeatedly hit press vehicles as well as a UN observation post.  Why?  What were the Israelis doing that the world needed to not see?  If you want a real demonstration of where the media's bias really lies, and I say it is quite far to to the right, just think of the cut up 60 minutes interview with the President of Iran, or consider the headlines splashed on screen in the opening days of the Israeli invasion: Is Iran trying to start the end of the world?? 

Please.  If you think the media is liberal, I think you might have your facts foxed.

Apologies if anyone is offended, but as an American who happens to be a Muslim, I'm not too happy with the attitude toward resistance movements.  I don't agree with violence, but referring to Hezbollah as hezbullshit and no critique of the Israelis who history can only regard as war criminals, that's just disgusting.
Title: Re: Damn media...
Post by: skully on August 31, 2006, 08:55:57 AM
First I'd like to thank you for joining the conversation here.  Quite frequently am I disappointed that more Muslims don't speak out and vocalize their viewpoints in a rational and bi-directional fashion. 

I am curious to why there always seems to be this attitude of "how dare the civilized world critize and act upon the fundamentalist groups out there?".  To this American, I'm frankly sick and tired of being blamed for the misfortunes in the rest of the world, that for some reason Americans did something and must pay with our blood.  This is frequently shown by what is commonly known as the liberal-slanted media who continually protrays the US as "not understanding the problem" and "opportunistic invaders".  It's so blatetly obvious that the US is blamed for freaking everything anyway (the US should have stopped this, or done that).  Enough already!  It's like a spolied kid whining about not getting what they want.  These damn countries and groups should take a stance, eridicate corruption in their regions, install a satisfactory economic system (captalism to start) whereby each and every person has the opportunity to feel good about having some control of their family's wellbeing and stop blaming the rest of the world for their troubles.  Even furthermore, stop the infighting in your very own religion first!! 

What I see are groups not limited to but like Hezbollah where for some damn reason the rest of the civilized world JUST CAN'T negotiate and deal with them.  I can't imagine getting God/Jesus, Moses, and Mohammad in a room and believing that they'd like this sort of behavior from so-called religious people. 

Putting all politics aside (politicians are all a bunch of assholes anyway), look at the pure mentality of some of these fundamentalist groups.  I mentioned the lack of being able to negotiate.  Let's take a long look at this.  Why don't they want to bring it to the table?  Could it be this very premise?:

"We love death. The US loves life. That is the difference between us two."
Osama Bin Laden
Title: Re: Damn media...
Post by: military nut on September 19, 2006, 08:15:24 PM
with all due respect, the media in this country is most definitely liberal, I'm not going to split hairs with anyone on politics... hezbolla hizbolla, or what ever they are called are nothing but thugs, and terrorists. as is hamas and everyother middleastern militant group that wants to eliminate Israel. i call a spade a spade. the press the fourth estate, or what ever you want to call them take there stories and sensationalize them to sell a paper or make ratings. my gripe isn't with the terrorist groups, Muslims, Arabs Americans or anyone for that fact my statement was clearly meant for the press. they are and always will provide sensationalized stories and slants to the way they see fit. and thats to push ratings and sell papers or blogs. 95 percent of the reporting is after the fact and not taken in realtime, therefore a slant has to be added or what they are reporting is just a footnote. your statments whilehaving many merits, makes my arguement for me. being a staunch libertarian i think it was a mistake to even be over there. the united states needs to stop policeing the world and worry about its own borders and internal issues. and especially sending our tax dollars to third world countries who turn around and piss right back in our face.. my final point about the middle east is this. isreal can certainally handle their own problems, its always been isreal kicking ass and taking names.