Insanebunkers Forum

Specific => Weird Shit => Topic started by: StealthUnited on December 14, 2011, 08:15:12 AM

Title: Upton Cave update :P
Post by: StealthUnited on December 14, 2011, 08:15:12 AM
 Sooo, hey folks, its been a while. I got some storiees!! I finally went into upton cave and it was interesting, although I long knew what the structure was like inside from town reports, I had to see it all for myself after my step sister came from maine and brought a pair of water-proof knee highs.. I dunno where to start, so I'll start with outside the cave.. Sooo, it looks like the town has re-built some of the exterior structure to the entrance, I don't have photos sadly which I apologize. Also, it looks like they patched the muddy ground up by the entrance with small 'fresh' stones looks like they were ordered because there clean, and there is a heaping pile of them to the right of the entrance by the little pasture. Umm, so going inside the cave, its like maybe 12 feet of tunnel followed by the dome which was my guess 15' tall  gve or take, but its hard to say seeing that its flooded thy high in some areas, note thats its subterranean. One of the things I personally wanted to look out for was a hole of some sort for fires, and it looks like there is a hole maybe 3 feet across on the roof but its blocked by a boulder slab or something, maybe the town did this years ago so people wouldn't fall? I'm trying to find the slab above ground but its covered in dirt, but it would give me an idea outside of the cave where the center of it was. it was pretty interesting, reminded me of a honey bee hive the way it domes but I have to say its a pain in the ass to see in there, and regardless the fact that I went in in november, there are some biiig spiders in there. I dunno what else to add, other than looks like the town is caring after it.. Then again, thats the only cool thing in town besides a record store and... a record store XD
Title: Re: Upton Cave update :P
Post by: donnabhain on December 23, 2011, 01:24:03 PM
Thanks for the update, I still haven't been down there to check it out, but have read plenty of reports. Nice description of it being like a bee hive, these "caves" are sometimes referred to as "bee hive huts" and we have one here in southern NH by that name. Also, it could be the town or NEARA or both keeping up the place. I know NEARA redid one of the "caves" in Acton last year or so. The entrance had caved in. They didn't find anything interesting in any of the removed backfill though so the mystery still remains ;) Maybe I'm not remembering very well, but I don't recall of of these stone caves having a hole at the top for a fireplace inside. They do frequently have a "cap stone" at the top of the "bee hive". Not having been there I'd imagine this feature you saw is original to the structure, especially if it's completely covered with soil. Why not just walk inside with a tape measure, then walk on top the same distance to find the middle? I know there are also drawings to scale of the "cave" online. If you haven't come across any and are interested let me know and I can you something over to you.
Title: Re: Upton Cave update :P
Post by: StealthUnited on January 09, 2012, 01:05:33 PM
thanks for the post!  :mellow: I saw bluprints of upton cave before, I found an old exterior pic of the cave i took in 2010, prehaps when I have time (not for a few more weeks,  thanks work lol) I can take a pic of it now to compare the work thats been done before and after :)